Friday, February 18, 2011

SUYL: Alma Mater!

I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Transportation and Supply Chain Management.
I loved my time there and Auburn offered everything I was looking for in a College. From students playing disc golf in the quad to studying on Samford lawn to tailgating. For being such a large college it had a very laid back atmosphere and beautiful campus, which is what drew me to the campus.

The Auburn spirit is one that you automatically notice. Everybody (fans, students, Alumni) all have a love for Auburn that I have never seen before. I know it sounds odd but we are one big family. Through the scandels and now the heart break of Toomers Corner, the family has stuck together.

Toomers Corner
Toomers Corner is where the Auburn Family goes to celebrate. It can be a football win over Bama, a swim meet, and even graduation. It is tradition to roll the tree for any type of celebration. It is really something you have to see in person and be a part of to really get the understanding and concept of what it is to be an Auburn fan.When you are a student there you dream of taking your kids to Toomers to roll the tree after a big win and then walking across the street to Toomers drugs for a hand squeezed Lemonade. Recently tragedy struck our beloved tree. A rival fan poured a herbicide on the trees and they are certain to die. 200 year old trees and a 100 year old tradition are slowly falling apart. I've been almost in tears about what is happening and cannot believe its happening. I am praying they can save the trees.
Roxy celebrating at Toomers Corner after an Iron Bowl win!


Student section

Roxy Tailgating!

War Eagle!
I think one of our greatest traditions is our eagle. Before kick off the eagle circles the field! Its an amazing sight! She even flew in the olymipics several years ago!


  1. CUTE! :-) I have several friends that went to Auburn and LOVED it!!! I'm a Baylor girl, myself! ;-)

    I wonder when Kelly will get the link up on her website...I've been checking all day :-( I hope everything is okay!

  2. War Eagle!!
    I'm an Auburn grad as well, and I'm so sad about Toomer's Corner. I once had a dog that I called Toomy (figured calling him Toomer wasn't the greatest choice ;p)

    Cute blog! Wishing you all the best!

  3. What great memories! I was so surprised by the War Eagle during the championship game (although I admit I was rooting for the Ducks b/c my sister lives in Oregon now!)

    Tamar - linking from Kelly's blog

  4. Huntsville resident! We have been following the Toomers Corner drama- it made the national news last night. I think that Bama fan has some major psychological issues. My son (who is six :D) says that he wants to go to Auburn, and although we are TN natives, I think that would be just fine. :)

    Cute Blog! I am a new follower.

  5. We're in So. Cal and have also been following the sad news about the trees there. So scary what people do. :-(

  6. Found you through Kelly's Korner. Just wanted to send out a War Eagle! I graduated from Auburn as well!

  7. War Eagle!!! I spent 2 years at Auburn and now attend Arizona State University...nothing compares to Auburn! I was so glad last month when Phoenix was filled with Auburn fans :)


  8. Saw your blog on Kelly's. I grew up in Auburn. My parents still live there. So sad about the trees. War Eagle!

  9. Found you thru Kelly's Korner too. I went to Auburn in the early 80's (old now) LOL Loved Auburn and go back frequently - we even have a condo there. War Eagle!

    Tricia Thompson

  10. I found you through Kelly's Korner... I'm a student at Texas Tech University, but my dad is from Auburn and went to college there for a year, and my grandparents were professors in the music program there for years and years. So my family is full of Auburn fans! We're all in TX now but we still love to visit there. Loved your post on it!

  11. Visiting from Kelly's Korner! I am an Auburn alum as well! WARRR EAGLE!
